Nobility of Breminor
For the most part, nobility is a function of bloodlines. All nobles are supposed to be able to trace their ancestry back to the first Bringer. Legitimacy for kings and bishops is still determined by their ability to trace their ancestry back to the first Bringer through male parentage.
As the Fourth Cycle begins, however, nobility is becoming a function of land holdings, wealth, and power. Wealthy free people, the would-be middle class of the period, are able to buy titles from kings in need of cash.
This does not stop legitimate descendants from exposing the illegitimate if things get heated; of course, this puts the king in a tight spot - either back the pretender's legitimacy and risk being exposed, or join in exposing the pretender and see a valuable source of cash dry up. Either way, the person exposing a pretender runs the risk of incurring the king's wrath.
Emperor of Breminor
By the end of the First Cycle, the Bringer had united the world. All bowed down before the Bringer. The world was united under a single Emperor who was the ultimate authority for both the Church and world.
The Bringer had four children, each of whom inherited a piece of the world. The eldest son held Nythoria and the lands to the northwest of the world and, therefore, was considered Emperor. Over time, as this process continued, the holdings of each heir shrank until the only holding the Emperor had was Nythoria.
During the Third Cycle, the last Emperor died leaving no heir. His castellan assumed authority in Nythoria and his successors have controlled that territory since, declaring themselves Emperors of Breminor, though in truth the influence they wielded beyond the borders of Nythoria was spotty at best. In addition, they are considered by the Church and most nobility to be usurpers since they are not direct descendants of the Bringer.
Nine Kingdoms of Breminor
There are nine true kingdoms in the world:
Ishyr, in the northeast
Valithra, in the central north
Kakehun, in the northwest
Nyslavadd, in the southwest
Toroth, along the western shores of the Sea of Tala
Eslebi, along the northern shores of the Sea of Tala
Laladen, an island province in the Sea of Tala
Sherna, an island province in the Inworld Sea
Dunihk, in the south.
Rulers of the Nine Kingdoms
People claiming to be descendants of the Bringer rule most of these kingdoms. It is said that “blood is thicker than water,” but no one knew how thin blood could get.
Only four of the original nine kingdoms are ruled by a Mortal king who descends from the Bringer: Valithra, Eslebi, Laladen, and Toroth.
Dunihk was destroyed by Amulon over the centuries, and is ruled by its minions; free Mortals still fight, though their numbers are small. In Nyslavadd, Amulon is in ascendancy, with both Dunihk and Kaddori forces battling Mortals.
Amulon's reach has also extended into Kakehun through the corruption of its Human rulers and the brutal attacks of Kaddori Raiders. Many of its people have fled to the protective shadows of Kakehun's immense forests in order to avoid being enslaved or destroyed by Amulon's forces. Many good folk, including many of the Khaj, fight on with ongoing support from Eslebi.
A Dunihk prince was placed on the throne of another kingdom, Ishyr, by an emperor long ago, and his descendants still rule today. Finally, Sherna has no king; he died heirless. Now, an abundant supply of bastard children, who are no better than pirates, battle for the opportunity to claim the throne.
Other Significant Mortal Holdings
Breminor is large, and is not uncommon for principalities or duchies to become wealthy and powerful, and break from their former kingdom. At the start of the Fourth Cycle, the four most significant of these are:
Alize, on the southern point of the Nythorian peninsula
Ulgoth, the largest of the islands between Sherna and Dunihk
Borada, at the northern tip of Dunihk, and
Dafoth, where Toroth meets Dunihk in the south.
Non-Human Settlements
Breminor is home to many different peoples. Though most non-human races are spread throughout the world, each has one or more holy sites around which significant settlements have grown. The largest of these are identified below.
Khaj: Kojehun, where the Crystal River flows out of Kakehun, near to Inkitar's Teeth.
Vimadi: Vyeel in the mountains between Nyslavadd and Toroth, near to Mylassa's Grove, and
Mortak: Tuklok, at the base of Mount Matulen in Sherna, near to the Forge of Roe holy site.
Reference: For more information on the significance of these religious sites, see Holy Sites.
The allies and foes of each major territory in Breminor, and their ruler at the start of the Fourth Cycle, are identified below. In addition, the inhabitants of the territories are also noted. Ruler that can trace their origins through his paternal lines to the original Bringer in the First Cycle are marked with a red asterick (*).
Active Ally
Active Foe
Human Tribes/
Non-Human Races
Eslebi; Valithra; Alize
Erleth XVIII
Antharian; Grateki
Laladen; Toroth; Alize; Borada; Dafoth
Occupied by Amulon
Ulonians; fewer non-humans
Borada, Alize, Laladen (control of the Sea of Tala); Nythoria
Ulam Wij *
Katerians; all non-humans
Valithra (resources)
Suggos Babilli (Katerian)
Antharians, Katerians (rulers); Mortak
Falas Tonobu
Nexarians; Khaj, Mortak
Toroth; Borada, Alize
Sherna (competing maritime power); Eslebi (control of the Sea of Tala)
Heras Tol *
Katerians; Grateki
Kakehun, Dunihk (border wars)
Battle for kingdom ongoing; Amulon in ascendancy
Nexarians; Khaj, Vimadi
Ulonians; Mortak
Laladen, Eslebi, Valithra, Dafoth
Nyslavaad (resources); Dunihk (Amulon)
Gazu Kalmeki *
Katerians; Vimadi
Ishyr (resources), Nythoria
Thorar Ithrain *
Antharians; Grateki
Nythoria, Eslebi, Dunihk
Lonan Dular
Katerians; Grateki
Laladen, Toroth, Eslebi
Dunihk (Amulon)
Obasi Vanuvi
Katerians; Grateki
Laladen, Toroth, Eslebi
Dunihk (Amulon)
Ronis Hof
Ulonians (holding out against Amulon); Vimadi
Laladen, Sherna
Yl Tyr
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Version Date: 15 August 2000 Primary Author: Stephen Castillet