AD&D 3E Treasure Tables for Tablesmith 3.0
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These ASCII tables (Treasure Tables 1-20) allow you to use Tablesmith to roll treasure for those 3rd Edition AD&D adventures you're running. While rolling even a level 5 treasure might take 10 minutes by hand (assuming you want to give your party members good detail - and what good DM doesn't), you can get that information almost instantly with two quick mouse clicks using these tables. Simply click the treasure level and then click the die icon to make the roll. Important information is included in the Readme.txt file. Many thanks to Vance Reed for creating the handy coin conversion chart. And thanks to Vance and many others for improving and debugging these tables.

3rd Edition AD&D* Dungeon Master's Guide
Tablesmith software

NOTE: In their current form, these tables are not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
07 Oct 2001

Example of the output from a roll on Treasure Table 3
EL 7 Treasure

You find

Total Coins:  
0 mithril pieces
40 platinum pieces
132 gold pieces
342 silver pieces
3380 copper pieces
(3894 total coins weighing 77.88 pounds)  

A small chest (weighing 80.8 pounds) containing 15 Platinum Pieces, 112 Gold Pieces, 329 Silver Pieces, 2834 Copper Pieces  
A small sack (weighing 9.94 pounds) containing 2 Platinum Pieces, 6 Gold Pieces, 7 Silver Pieces, 432 Copper Pieces  
A pouch (weighing 3.42 pounds) containing 3 Platinum Pieces, 7 Gold Pieces, 3 Silver Pieces, 108 Copper Pieces  
Laying loose around the area 20 Platinum Pieces , 7 Gold Pieces, 3 Silver Pieces, 6 Copper Pieces (weighing 0.72 pounds)    
A 10 lb solid gold idol of an unicorn worth 500 gold pieces     
A cloth of gold vestments worth 110 gold pieces     
A black opal worth 900 gold pieces     
A silver-plated ranseur with a tourmaline jewel in the hilt worth 400 gold pieces     

One potion of cat's grace     

 AD&D 3E Encounter DistanceTables for Tablesmith 3.0
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These ASCII tables allow you to use Tablesmith to roll encounter distances for those 3rd Edition AD&D adventures you're running. Want to know exactly how far those orcs are when the party spots them? A single click of the "dice" will tell you.

3rd Edition AD&D* Dungeon Master's Guide
Tablesmith software

NOTE: In their current form, these tables are not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
31 Oct 2000

Example of the output from a roll on the Encounter Distance Table
Smoke or heavy fog
15 feet
Jungle or dense forest
30 feet
Light forest
100 feet
Scrub, brush or bush
240 feet
Grassland, little cover
440 feet

 AD&D 3E General Store Tables for Tablesmith 3.5
Download File
These ASCII tables allow you to use Tablesmith to generate inventory for general stores for those 3rd Edition AD&D adventures you're running. You choose what size store you want to stock (Tiny, Small, Medium, or Large) and simply click the die icon to make the roll. The tables will populate a store with all the items from the AD&D equipment list, telling you what items and how many of each are available. Prices are taken directly from the 3E Player's Handbook.

Generating these tables can take a few seconds so be patient. Also, make SURE you have Bruce's latest edition of Tablesmith or the output will choke the program.

Important information is included in the Readme.txt file.

3rd Edition AD&D* Dungeon Master's Guide
Tablesmith software (Version 3.5)

NOTE: In their current form, these tables are not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
28 Mar 2001

Example of the partial output from a roll on General Store - Tiny  table.
Adventuring Gear:
No. Avail.
Backpack, Empty
2 gp each
Barrel, Empty
2 gp each
Basket, Empty
4 sp each
1 sp each
1 gp each
Blanket, Winter
5 sp each
Block and tackle
5 gp each
Bottle, Wine, Glass
2 gp each
Bucket, Empty
5 sp each

 AD&D 3E Horse Generator Tables for Tablesmith 3.5
Download File
These ASCII tables allow you to use Tablesmith to generate for those horses your PCs will inevitably end up buying. You choose the type of horse you want to generate stats for (Pony, WarPony, Light Horse, Light Warhorse, Heavy Horse, or Heavy Warhorse) and click the die icon to make the roll.

Make SURE you have Bruce's latest edition of Tablesmith or the parameters may not work.

Important information is included in the Readme.txt file.

3rd Edition AD&D* Player's Handbook
Tablesmith software (Version 3.5)

NOTE: In their current form, these tables are not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
28 Mar 2001

Example of two rolls on Horse Generator  table.
Type: Light Horse
Color: Brown with a white blaze
Size: 12.0 hands
Unusual Characteristics: 1) Very slow and 2) Won't jump - decrease mount's jump skill by 4 but also increase Leap DC by 5
Temperment: Even-tempered
Speed: 50 feet per round
Travel: 48 miles per day
Armor Class: 13
Hit Points: 19
Cost: 52 gp

Type: Heavy Horse
Color: Chestnut with white feet
Size: 15.1 hands
Unusual Characteristics: Thick skinned (AC increased)
Temperment: Even-tempered
Speed: 50 feet per round
Travel: 40 miles per day
Armor Class: 15
Hit Points: 19
Cost: 204 gp

 AD&D 3E Caravan Generator Tables for Tablesmith 3.8
Download File
These ASCII tables allow you to use Tablesmith to generate caravans ranging from a few porters to dozens of donkeys or wagons. You choose the type of caravan you want to generate and click the die icon to make the roll.

Make SURE you have Bruce's latest edition of Tablesmith or the parameters may not work.

Important information is included in the Readme.txt file.

3rd Edition AD&D* Player's Handbook
Tablesmith software (Version 3.8)

NOTE: In their current form, these tables are not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
03 Oct 2001

Example of the output of a roll on Caravan Generator  table.
A medium caravan (37 horses) led by Yanric, an average (level 4 expert) human caravan leader, on the way to South Rubypoint.

Caravan Goods:
21 horses carrying bales of raw flax (84 units)
7 horses carrying bronze forge-bars (28 units)
9 horses carrying sacks of wheat (36 units)

Caravan Workers:
Laborers: 18 Animal Handlers: 27

Caravan Guards:
Total: 14 The guards' leader is a 2nd level human warrior mounted on a light war horse wearing leather armor (AC=12) and armed with a spear and shortsword

(13) 1st level human warriors mounted on light war horses wearing hide armor (AC=13) and carrying shortswords and crossbows.

 AD&D 3E Jumping Tables for Tablesmith 3.8
Download File
These ASCII tables use Tablesmith to generate a specific character's possible jumps using the AD&D 3E rules. You enter several pieces of information such as your character's height, speed, jumping ability, etc.,  and then click the die icon to make the roll. Many thanks to Vance Reed for perfecting this table.

Make SURE you have Bruce's latest edition of Tablesmith or the parameters may not work.

Important information is included in the Readme.txt file.

3rd Edition AD&D* Player's Handbook
Tablesmith software (Version 3.8)

NOTE: In their current form, these tables are not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
03 Oct 2001

Example of the output of a roll on Jumping Chart  table.
Name: Felding

Height: 6' 2"

Speed: 30
Jump Skill: 5

Magic?: 0 bonus

Unlimited?: No

Die Roll
Running (Long) Jump
Standing (Long) Jump
Running High Jump
Standing High Jump
Jump Back
10 or less
5' 6"
3' 3"
2' 8"
1' 8"
3' 6"
2' 9"
1' 9"
6' 6"
3' 9"
2' 10"
1' 10"
7' 6"
4' 3"
3' 2"
2' 2"
4' 6"
3' 3"
2' 3"
8' 6"
4' 9"
3' 4"
2' 4"
3' 6"
2' 6"
9' 6"
5' 3"
3' 8"
2' 8"
5' 6"
3' 9"
2' 9"
10' 6"
5' 9"
3' 10"
2' 10"

 AD&D 3E Town Businesses Generator Tables for Tablesmith 3.8
Download File
These ASCII tables use Tablesmith to generate the details of the businesses in a town size of your choosing. You enter in the size of the town and some other details, and the table will generate the number of buildings, the number of businesses, the names of the businesses as well as the names and levels of the proprietors. Then simply click the die icon to make the roll. Many thanks to Vance Reed for pulling this off my shelf and making it workable when I had run up against a programming wall.

Make SURE you have Bruce's latest edition of Tablesmith or the parameters may not work.

Important information is included in the Readme.txt file.

3rd Edition AD&D* Player's Handbook
Tablesmith software (Version 3.8)

NOTE: In their current form, these tables are not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
03 Oct 2001

 AD&D 3E Wilderness Encounter Tables for Tablesmith 3.8
Download File
These ASCII tables use Tablesmith to generate wilderness encounters based on the AD&D 3E Dungeon Master Guide wilderness encounter tables. It includes many none monster encounters such as places, caravans, slavers, etc... Many thanks to Vance Reed for doing a MAJOR debugging job.

Make SURE you have Bruce's latest edition of Tablesmith or the parameters may not work.

Important information is included in the Readme.txt file.

3rd Edition AD&D* Dungeon Master's Guide
Tablesmith software (Version 3.8)

NOTE: In their current form, these tables are not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
03 Oct 2001

 d20 Arcane Spell List
Download File
This Excel 2000 spreadsheet provides a searchable and sortable list of all the d20 compatable arcane spells we could lay our hands on. Cool in it's own right, it will be useless to you unless you have the following source materials.This list is for Sorcerers and Wizards.

3rd Edition AD&D* Player's Handbook
3rd Edition AD&D* Tome and Blood Player's Supplement
3rd Edition AD&D* Defenders of the Faith Player's Supplement
3rd Edition AD&D* Magic of Faerun Manual
3rd Edition AD&D* Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Relics and Rituals by Sword and Scorcery

NOTE: This spreadsheet is not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc or by Sword and Sorcery, Inc.
10 Dec 2001

 d20 Divine Spell List
Download File
This Excel 2000 spreadsheet provides a searchable and sortable list of all the d20 compatable divine spells we could lay our hands on. You'll need to have the following source materials for it to make any sense though. This list is specifically for clerics.

3rd Edition AD&D* Player's Handbook
3rd Edition AD&D* Defenders of the Faith Player's Supplement
3rd Edition AD&D* Magic of Faerun Manual
3rd Edition AD&D* Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Relics and Rituals by Sword and Scorcery

NOTE: This spreadsheet is not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc or by Sword and Sorcery, Inc.
10 Dec 2001

 d20 Druid Spell List
Download File
This Excel 2000 spreadsheet provides a searchable and sortable list of all the d20 compatable druid spells we could lay our hands on. You'll need to have the following source materials for it to make any sense though. This list is specifically for druids.

3rd Edition AD&D* Player's Handbook
3rd Edition AD&D* Defenders of the Faith Player's Supplement
3rd Edition AD&D* Magic of Faerun Manual
3rd Edition AD&D* Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting
Relics and Rituals by Sword and Scorcery

NOTE: This spreadsheet is not published or endorsed by Wizards of the Coast, Inc or by Sword and Sorcery, Inc.
14 Mar 2002

 WeatherMaster 1.1.1
Want to know EXACTLY what the weather is like for your campaign? Want to know when the sun comes up and when it goes down as well as the cycles for those moons you have? If so, this is the software for you. Relatively easy to use and set up, this is an excellent product. It will help you manage your weather and keep a calendar for you complete with log entries. Highly recommended.

* Posted with permission of Milieu Simulations.

 Note: AD&D, Dungeons & Dragons, and Dungeon Master's Guide are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast.