Order of Konlar
I am a Defender of the Binding. I fight the unending battle while awaiting the coming of the Bringer.
I cannot read, but The Codex of Breminor has been recounted to me and in it we Become. In The Codex the Four of Amulon came and destroyed almost all the Gods; however, He Who Goes Unnamed confronted the Four and sent all but one to Ackerin, Land of the Forgotten. The one, called Amulon by Mortals, escaped to hide in the Aronin Mountains of Breminor. He who goes Unnamed did not know what became of Amulon, but He knew he must protect Breminor. So, He created the Binding, unaware that Amulon was within it.
While He who goes Unnamed was making the Binding, however, He felt the presence of Amulon in the world. He knew Mortals could not be given the power to conquer Amulon, for that much power would destroy them, too. So He who goes Unnamed decided to send the Bringer to save the Mortals and Breminor. In addition, He knew Mortals must have the means to combat Amulon and its servants before the Bringer could save them. So, He selected one Mortal who could survive the sight of Amulon. This Mortal was charged with forming an Order, the Order of Konlar, to fight the pestilence until the Bringer could come to save all pious Mortals.
The Order knows that its sole purpose is to preserve the world and the Binding until the Bringer comes. No cost is too great to accomplish this purpose. I cannot sit idly by while pestilence comes among us - I am driven to locate and destroy Amulon and its servants wherever they might be.
Many moons have passed since I joined the Order. I was taken from my home when young, taken from the warmth of my parents and siblings. I was brought to the Academy on a cold night presaging winter - I remember the streaming breath of the dark shapes that surrounded me. I knew later that they took us at an early age so that we would not be corrupted by our parents. Was the gold coin left to compensate my family for the loss of their child sufficient? I cannot say. I do not know who they are, where they call home, whether they have succumbed.
My education was arduous, terrifying, but it made me able to stand before the dark ones and not bow my head. Before becoming an initiate, I was assigned a trainer and had to complete nine missions. Some of those in my class resisted or were reluctant to be trained - they were found to be of unacceptably low quality and were quickly killed to maintain the purity of the Order. These missions comprise a series of trials of increasing difficulty. They are, as I was to experience, appropriately named the Trial of the Whip, the Trial of the Dying God and the Trial of the Dreaming Serpent.
As an entering member, I was shown the Configuration of the Binding, which is the heart of the Mysteries, a collection of truths, powers, which lie within the Binding. Though I did not comprehend these Mysteries enough to use them, the completeness and the unity of the Mysteries of the Binding changed me.
It was fortunate that I was able to absorb some small illumination of these wonders for those who cannot are driven insane. Part of my education was to weed from our ranks those who were judged weak or who had become insane - I have come to understand the importance of preserving the purity of the Order. Only one out of every four candidates is welcomed as a Defender of the Binding.
I know that the Mysteries must remain unknown by other Mortals. In seeing the Mysteries we are no longer Mortal. Not yet Immortal, and yet no longer Mortal. Those who would use a Mystery are a potential threat to the Binding. Any threat to the Binding serves Amulon and must be eliminated and the damage cleansed.
I emerged from this education knowing an inner peace and faith unrivaled by any in Breminor. The beauty of this clear state of mind is the source of the Order's resilience - our ability to fight an unending battle against overwhelming odds.
My Academy is one of nine Houses of the Order in Breminor. I have come to appreciate that it is only in one of these Houses that a member of the Order can let down his guard. For within its walls, each member is given a room that has walls of simple stone, no windows, and only a single iron door, which is barred from within. At all other times the Defender is the hunter and the hunted, trusting no one.
I went out into the wicked Mortal world to find those less than pure of body, heart, mind, and spirit. These are the corrupted, the tools of Amulon. I gave fair warning - those who were tainted might be saved if they repented their ways and cleansed their spirits. Those who chose not to were obviously too corrupted, and we immediately dispatched them to the Lands of the Dead, west of the Aronin Mountains for judgment.
There is little comfort for the Konlar in the Mortal World. When a Mortal comes upon a known member of the Order, they avert their eyes. It is said that they do not wish to corrupt the Konlar by gazing upon them. There is little chance of that. However, Mortals believe that Konlar can see the corruption of their spirits through the eyes, the windows to the inner self. This, I can confirm, is true.
My work for the Order has been recognized: I am one of the Black Hands, those that have shown a particularly high level of achievement. I wear my gloves with pride and openly - I fear none. I have proven my dedication and piety - I have stood before the beast and defied him.
While I hope to stand and die by the Bringer's side within my lifetime, it is possible that I shall reach an age when the strength to wield singing bright steel will elude me. Then I, like those before me who have survived the long battle, will serve the Order by teaching, instead of waiting for death. I shall return to my Academy and train those who are brought to our hall at their chosen time. Perhaps my black glove will stand me in good stead and I might rise to become a member of the ruling Council.