(Click here to download a copy of the Konlar Prestige Class in Adobe Acrobat format.)
Proper Name
Order of Konlar
Sword of the Gods, Protectors from Pestilence.
Patron God(dess)
He Who Goes Unnamed
A black-gloved hand showing palm, fingers apart.
The Konlar are religious warriors who dedicate themselves to keeping Amulon and its minions at bay until the Bringer of Hope comes to vanquish the enemies of the Gods once an for all. They seek out and destroy Amulon and its minions to stop the spread of the corruption that the touch of Pestilence brings.
The Konlar will stop at nothing to accomplish their mission. They see corruption wherever they look. They are not restrained by rules of honor that bind the paladin. Theirs is a simpler mission - if someone is tainted, then they should be sent to Odan for judgment; only the lightly tainted, who are contrite and willing to work with clerics to remove the taint, may avoid being dispatched to a new life…and this only happens when the Konlar is not in a hurry.
Not evil (CG, CN, N preferred)
The Konlar are organized into small units to protect the Order from subversion by Pestilence. If one unit is infiltrated by Pestilence, they do not threaten the entire house. Each Konlar knows the identity of only a few other Konlar within their group. To others, even within the secret citadels, Konlar use a pseudonym. Up to a score of small units form a company that is commanded by a captain. Up to a score of companies form a battalion that is led by a commander. Seldom does a battalion come together, and then usually to fight a large contingent of the Kaddori Horde. All the battalions in a kingdom form an Order house, which is led by a marshal. The houses of each kingdom do not communicate except in extreme situations; this is done to ensure that, if one house is compromised, the others will be safe.
Mostly human, half-elven, half-orc.
Most are chosen by the Konlar to join their numbers early in life. The Konlar usually “recruit” infants, the only truly untainted spirits in the world. They take a child from his/her crib at night and leave a gold coin in where they slept. Once recruited, they are raised in the Konlar way; some may become clerics, fighters or monks.
Few come to join the Konlar later from outside their closed society. Only those persons who have removed all the influences of Pestilence may qualify, and the Konlar are quite exacting in their investigations of outsiders. For the Konlar, they risk much in letting outsiders join - they risk contaminating their inner sanctum; outsiders are always watched until they have proven themselves worthy.
When the elders of the Order judge a person ready, they begin training as a Konlar. Once training has been completed, the Konlar are put through the Trial. The exceptional are selected to join the Black Hands, the sentinels within the Order whose job it is to keep the Order pure. Members of the Black Hands openly wear black gloves; other members of the Order may not. As judged through the Trial, the weak of mind, heart, or spirit are weeded out through the Trial and are executed by the Black Hands. Only one in four survives to become a Konlar.
Degree of secrecy
The highest. To them, secrecy is the key to protecting their communities and its members.
Very high among the downtrodden populace.
Toneve the Daemonslayer was the founder of the Order of Konlar and made a saint.
Aslon Sar, legendary slayer of Pestilence who was nicknamed “Priest-Killer” because he once killed a priest that had been possessed by a Daemon.
Since most Konlar remain anonymous throughout their lifetimes, few contemporary personalities are known about.
All kingdoms
AD&D/D20 Classes
Order of Konlar Prestige Class, Fighter, Cleric
Copyright 2001 by Breminor.com.  All rights reserved.
Version Date: 06 December 2001 Primary Author: Matthew Shears