One of the original four Mortal cities in Breminor (others: Nythoria (Nythoria), Balakoore (Laladen), D'Beth (Toroth)), a city has stood in its current location for millennia. The city is located where the Sorgen River meets the mighty Crystal River in southern Valithra. Across the Crystal is the smaller city of Torga, Eslebi with which Dython does a great deal of trade.
Capital of the Duchy of Sorgen, largest city in Valithra
Known For
Wool, textiles, steel.
120,000 (54% human, 22% elves, 14% dwarves, 8% halfling, 2% other.)
Elan, Krin, Novar, Sontor, Tan, Wayfarers.
Authority Figures
Duke Torom Osogard (City Ruler)
Prominent People
City Character
The original city was without walls. It was an open city, built in the First Cycle classical style out of local white, silver and black marble. The road north leads to the Bridge of Swords, which crosses the Sorgen River; the road south leads to the Bridge of Shields, which crosses the Crystal River; the road west leads to the Western March and Kakehun. These three roads meet in the center of the city around a holy area that once bore five-meter high, golden statues of the gods. The city enjoyed centuries of unparalleled prosperity and growth. This came to an end at the end of the second cycle.
Places of Note
Wards Overview
Artisans' Ward
Character: Exciting, inventive.
Businesses: Traders, inns, taverns, provisioners, some artisans.
Prices: Competitive.
Gold Piece Limit: 3,000 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding with small yards; shops on ground floor, apartments above.
Guard Detail: Six to ten guards on regular patrol in addition to tower guards.
Cathedral Ward
Character: Wealthy, somber, restrained.
Businesses: Temples, shrine, inns.
Prices: 125-150% normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 10,000 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings with gardens, trial house/prison.
Guard Detail: Five to ten guards (less during day, more at night) and two clerics on regular patrol in addition to prison guards.
Cemetary Hill Ward
Character: Old money, slow, reserved.
Businesses: Respectable inns, taverns, luxury goods, Fellowship of Krin headquarters.
Prices: 150+% normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 25,000 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings with large yards.
Guard Detail: Five to ten guards (less during day, more at night) and private protection services (Blue Gauntlet) on regular patrol.
The Dregs
Character: Poor, transient, harsh.
Businesses: Few (slaughterhouses, tanners).
Prices: Below normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 100 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding shacks, row houses.
Guard Detail: Patrolled by two guards from dusk to dawn.
East Gate Ward
Character: Moderate to wealthy, cautious.
Businesses: Traders, inns, some artisans.
Prices: Normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 4,000 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings with small yards; dedicated shops separate from housing.
Guard Detail: Five to ten guards (less during day, more at night) on regular patrol.
Harbor Ward
Character: Bustling, volatile.
Businesses: Prostitution, gambling, provender, inns, taverns, warehouses, shipping, fishing.
Prices: Normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 5,000 gp.
Buildings: Row houses, warehouses, temple.
Guard Detail: Five to ten guards (less during day, more at night) on regular patrol.
Market Ward
Character: Entrepreneurial, commercial.
Businesses: Traders, inns, taverns, provisioners, artisans, guilds.
Prices: Very competitive.
Gold Piece Limit: 2,500 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings; shops on ground floor, apartments above.
Guard Detail: Six to eight guards (less during day, more at night) on regular patrol; others in the Market Barracks.
Merchant Ward
Character: Active, vibrant.
Businesses: Traders, inns, taverns, provisioners, some artisans.
Prices: Competitive.
Gold Piece Limit: 5,000 gp.
Buildings: Row houses with small yards; shops on ground floor, apartments above.
Guard Detail: Five to ten guards (less during day, more at night) on regular patrol in addition to tower guards.
Old Castle Ward
Character: Poor to moderate, hopeful.
Businesses: Provender, inns, taverns, warehouses, shipping.
Prices: Normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 300 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings with small yards; shops on ground floor, apartments above, some shacks; temple.
Guard Detail: Four guards on patrol at all times; Castle Ward barracks; headquarters of the 8th Legion.
Palace Ward
Character: Ostentatiously rich.
Businesses: Inns, premier artisans, luxury goods.
Prices: 150+% normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 15,000 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings with large yards.
Guard Detail: Ten to fifteen guards (less during day, more at night) on patrol; the North Barracks. Also, headquarters of the Blue Gauntlet.
South Gate Ward
Character: Moderate, optimistic.
Businesses: Artisan shops (candle makers, potters), some trade, inns, taverns.
Prices: Normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 800 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings, shops.
Guard Detail: Four to eight guards (less during day, more at night) on patrol.
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Version Date: 06 December 2001 Primary Author: Stephen Castillet