Thrune, secured deep in eastern Valithra on cliffs overlooking Anthrune Bay, is an impregnable fortress and seat of the kings of the best-defended kingdom in all Breminor. The city was founded by King Threng Ithrain late in the First Cycle; he moved the capital from Dython because of that city's proximity to foreign soil. The town that had occupied the area had been called Ortu's Bluff, but was renamed by the king after his late wife (Thruin).

City, standard.

Capital of the Kingdom of Valithra and the Duchy of Anthrune


 Known For
Mercenaries, fish.

31,150 (Human 65%, half-elf 14%, elf 10%, dwarf 9%, other 2%.)

Blue Gauntlets, Fellowship of Krin

 Authority Figures
King Hazur Ithrain, ruler, NG, male human, Ftr10/Clr4/Src2
Commander Alisa Yloso, 8th Legion, NG, human female, Ftr12
Captain Unnex Ogali, City Guard, N, human male, Ftr6
Captain Rora Ackull, Palace Guard, NG, half-elf female, Ftr8/Clr2

 Prominent People
Prince Kalito Ithrain, king's brother, duke of the Western March, NG, human male, Ftr14
Archbishop Ullian Ithrain, king's cousin, NG, female human, Clr8/Ftr4
Vedrik Sonisal, Marshal, Blue Gauntlets, CG, male half-elf, Ftr7/Rog2
Zoddell Hasfi, First, Fellowship of Krin, CN, halfling male, Src5/Rog3

 City Character
Thrune's city motto is “Out of Rock and Sea.” Legend has it that the city was built upon the remains of a stone giant that rose out of the sea only to be slain by King Threng. Yet the motto captures the heart of Thrune. It sits amid a rocky, barren landscape overlooking the northern, icy Bay of Anthrune. Vegetation is limited and inhabitants of the city itself are dependent upon the surrounding county to supply them with grains and other vegetables. The Bay of Anthrune, however, yields up a bounty of fish year round.

Originally, Thrune was little more than a keep and a small fishing town. Over the centuries, however, ruler after ruler has added to the city and its fortress. In the Second Cycle, King Abvi Ithrain had a massive library complex built with over one hundred rooms. The Great Library at Thrune was said to contain a copy of every book written since Mortalkind came to Breminor, and even one or two that predated arrival. It was one of the most wondrous sites of the ancient world. The building and much of its contents were destroyed in mysterious circumstances at the end of the Second Cycle.
The city has undergone some major renovations during its history. Prior to King Threng's arrival, there was a fishing town called Ortu's Bluff located on the banks of the Bay in what is now the Old Castle Ward. With the original castle situated in the Old Castle Ward, the city grew up in that ward as well as the Harbor and South Gate Wards and the Dregs. This was formalized in second century of the Second Cycle with the construction of a perimeter wall around these wards. The city quickly outgrew this space and the perimeter wall was extended late in the Second Cycle to include the entire footprint of the city as it exists today, though much of the area outside the wards bordering the harbor was used for farmland.

 Places of Note
Mylassa has always held a particularly strong place in the hearts of Valithrans. Even at times when worship fell out of disfavor with the ruling family during the Second Cycle, Mylassa was worshipped secretively. To make amends, the ruling family had a temple built to Mylassa atop the Library's remains early in the Third Cycle. Over the centuries, other temples were added to the site. At the end of the Third Cycle, King Alfos Ithrain built the Bringer's Cathedral, which remain standing today.

 Wards Overview
The greatest construction in the city's history began in the fourth century of the Third Cycle; this would last for nearly two and a half centuries. During that time, the principal residence for the ruling family was moved from the dilapidated old castle in the Old Castle Ward to the new Palace sitting atop the Third Sister Hill. Also at this time, the Bringer's Cathedral was built. When construction of the city in its current configuration was completed at the end of the Third Cycle, it had twelve wards and Nine Gates.
Over time, each of the nine wards has developed a distinct personality that is reflected in the individual(s) to be found in those wards. Each ward is surrounded by natural or man-made fortifications and is equipped with its own guards.

 Artisans'  Ward
Character: Exciting, inventive.
Businesses: Traders, inns, taverns, provisioners, some artisans.
Prices: Competitive.
Gold Piece Limit: 3,000 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding with small yards; shops on ground floor, apartments above.
Guard Detail: Six to ten guards on regular patrol in addition to tower guards.

 Cathedral Ward
Character: Wealthy, somber, restrained.
Businesses: Temples, shrine, inns.
Prices: 125-150% normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 10,000 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings with gardens, trial house/prison.
Guard Detail: Five to ten guards (less during day, more at night) and two clerics on regular patrol in addition to prison guards.

 Cemetary Hill Ward
Character: Old money, slow, reserved.
Businesses: Respectable inns, taverns, luxury goods, Fellowship of Krin headquarters.
Prices: 150+% normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 25,000 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings with large yards.
Guard Detail: Five to ten guards (less during day, more at night) and private protection services (Blue Gauntlet) on regular patrol.

 The Dregs
Character: Poor, transient, harsh.
Businesses: Few (slaughterhouses, tanners).
Prices: Below normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 100 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding shacks, row houses.
Guard Detail: Patrolled by two guards from dusk to dawn.

 East Gate Ward
Character: Moderate to wealthy, cautious.
Businesses: Traders, inns, some artisans.
Prices: Normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 4,000 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings with small yards; dedicated shops separate from housing.
Guard Detail: Five to ten guards (less during day, more at night) on regular patrol.

 Harbor Ward
Character: Bustling, volatile.
Businesses: Prostitution, gambling, provender, inns, taverns, warehouses, shipping, fishing.
Prices: Normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 5,000 gp.
Buildings: Row houses, warehouses, temple.
Guard Detail: Five to ten guards (less during day, more at night) on regular patrol.

 Market Ward
Character: Entrepreneurial, commercial.
Businesses: Traders, inns, taverns, provisioners, artisans, guilds.
Prices: Very competitive.
Gold Piece Limit: 2,500 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings; shops on ground floor, apartments above.
Guard Detail: Six to eight guards (less during day, more at night) on regular patrol; others in the Market Barracks.

 Merchant Ward
Character: Active, vibrant.
Businesses: Traders, inns, taverns, provisioners, some artisans.
Prices: Competitive.
Gold Piece Limit: 5,000 gp.
Buildings: Row houses with small yards; shops on ground floor, apartments above.
Guard Detail: Five to ten guards (less during day, more at night) on regular patrol in addition to tower guards.

 Old Castle Ward
Character: Poor to moderate, hopeful.
Businesses: Provender, inns, taverns, warehouses, shipping.
Prices: Normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 300 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings with small yards; shops on ground floor, apartments above, some shacks; temple.
Guard Detail: Four guards on patrol at all times; Castle Ward barracks; headquarters of the 8th Legion.

 Palace Ward
Character: Ostentatiously rich.
Businesses: Inns, premier artisans, luxury goods.
Prices: 150+% normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 15,000 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings with large yards.
Guard Detail: Ten to fifteen guards (less during day, more at night) on patrol; the North Barracks. Also, headquarters of the Blue Gauntlet.

 South Gate Ward
Character: Moderate, optimistic.
Businesses: Artisan shops (candle makers, potters), some trade, inns, taverns.
Prices: Normal.
Gold Piece Limit: 800 gp.
Buildings: Freestanding buildings, shops.
Guard Detail: Four to eight guards (less during day, more at night) on patrol.

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Version Date: 06 December 2001   Primary Author:  Stephen Castillet