(Click on a name to see that hireling's statistics)
Male human warrior level 1: CR 1; HD 1d8+2; hp 10; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+3 Dex; +2 Armor; +1 Shield); Attack +2 melee, or +4 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1; AL NG.
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Movement: 30 ft.
Languages Spoken: Common, Orc.
Skills and feats: Hide +4, Jump +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Listen +1, Move silently +5, Ride +7, Spot +1, Swim +3; Combat reflexes, Point Blank Shot.
Halfspear: +2 (1d6+1)
Longsword: +2 (1d8+1)
Dagger: +2 (1d4+1)
L. Crossbow: +4 (1d8)
Possessions: 14 gp, 7 sp.
Explorer's Outfit (x2), Cold Weather Outfit (x1), Studded Leather Armor, Small Wooden Shield, Halfspear, Light Crossbow, Bolts (x20), Bolts-Silvered (x5), Long Sword, Dagger, Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Mirror-Small Steel, Belt Pouch.
Age: 26
Height: Average (5', 7")
Weight: Average (161 lbs.)
Hair: White, short and straight
Eyes: Green
Special: Scar on right cheek
Tahir is technically in charge of the camp when the adventurers aren't present. However, he will abdicate that role when Katla has a strong opinion on something. He and Thord are responsible for guarding the camp and the adventurer's belongings while they are absent.
Tahir is a notably brave young man who's is both helpful and attentive to detail. He's got a reasonably calm head for a young warrior but likes to roll the dice in his free time. Aside from his gambling, he tends to take the world too seriously.
Tahir is the sixth son of a poor arms merchant in Walleng. His father told him at an early age that he did not stand to inherit any of the business and so Tahir joined the Walleng town guard. At the age of 23, he had become proficient enough to move to Thrune and join the town guard in the capital. His bravery, calm head and attention to detail quickly landed him a corporal's position in his company. It was there that he met and became friends with Thord. He was in charge of a routine patrol around the edge of Ithwick forest when catastrophe struck (See Thord's background). He lost two of his three levels to undead and was removed from the guard. He and Thord decided to try their luck with the Ice Lions Mercenary House. Still recovering from his experience with the undead, Tahir is a trustworthy soldier who has potential as a low level leader. While not as strong as many of his colleagues, he is exceptionally quick and nimble making him deadly with a crossbow.
Male human warrior level 1: CR 1; HD 1d8+3; hp 11; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+2 Dex; +3 Armor); Attack +4 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0; AL NG.
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 11.
Movement: 30 ft.
Languages Spoken: Common, Kaddoran.
Skills and feats: Alchemy +2, Heal +2, Hide +2, Intuit direction +2, Listen +0, Move silently +2, Pick pocket +4, Spot +1; Improved initiative, Two Weapon Fighting.
Halfspear: +3 (1d6+3)
Shortsword and Dagger: Dagger -2 (1d4), Shortsword +1 (1d6+3)
Dagger: +3 (1d4+3)
L. Crossbow: +2 (1d8)
Possessions: 8 gp, 5 sp.
Explorer's Outfit (x2), Cold Weather Outfit (x1), Studded Leather Armor, Halfspear, Light Crossbow, Bolts (x20), Bolts-Silvered (x5), Shortsword, Dagger, Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Mirror-Small Steel, Belt Pouch.
Age: 25
Height: Tall (6', 0")
Weight: Average (186 lbs.)
Hair: White, short and straight
Eyes: Blue
Special: Visible tattoo on neck
Thord is one of the two warriors responsible for guarding the camp and the adventurer's belongings while they are absent.
Thord is a calm affable young man who's pallid continence and white hair offer testimony of his encounters with the undead. He has both a fear and loathing of the undead that make him somewhat unpredictable in their presence. While he has, and continues, to stand up to encounters with lower level undead, his fear of higher level undead might cause him to flee (depending on the circumstances). His colleagues respect him for his strong sword arm in battle and his ability to fight with two weapons at once.
Thord, the second son of a sergeant of the Valithran guard normally assigned to the garrison in the Old Castle District, found his induction to a military life a natural one. His advancement took a serious setback two years after his assignment to his father's unit when his routine patrol encountered a Wight on the edge of Ithwick forest. The cleric who would normally accompany them on such a patrol had taken sick at the last minute and was confined to bed rest and so the creature clove through their ranks with bloody effect. Thord fought until he lost two of his three levels before being forced to flee. The creature went on to destroy a nearby village and the members of his patrol were officially chastised by an officer more concerned with bureaucratic appearances than with objectivity and fairness. It was later learned that that officer was beholden to the Konlar and, in a tense showdown between the Konlar and the Captain of the Valithran Guard, the officer was relieved of his position. When the Guard offered to reinstate Thord and the other surviving guards he had already taken a position with the Ice Lions Mercenary House, hiring his services out to the city and adventurers as opportunities permit.
Female human commoner level 5: CR 4; HD 5d4-5; hp 10; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack +1 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; AL NG.
Movement: 30 ft.
Str 11, Dex 16, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 15.
Languages Spoken: Common, Gnoll, Halfling, Ignan, Khaddori.
Skills and feats: Escape artist +5.5, Hide +3, Listen +7, Move silently +3, Profession (Cook) +11, Speak language +4, Spot +6; Great fortitude, Run, Skill focus (Profession: Cook).
Possessions: 5 gp.
Explorer's Outfit (x2), Cold Weather Outfit, Backpack, Cooking Kit, Dagger, Mirror-Small Steel, Holy Symbol-Silver.
Age: 43
Height: Short (5', 3")
Weight: Average (105 lbs.)
Hair: Red, moderate in length and straight
Eyes: Brown
Katla is responsible for cooking in the camp and is therefore in charge of meal preparation, managing the fire, and getting someone to get water. Her pleasant force of personality is one with which to be reckoned and Tahir and Thord will find it difficult to go against her advice or instructions. She has no trouble issuing orders when it comes to getting her job done.
Katla is genial and fun loving though her strongly critical and outspoken opinions of the king's policies toward her homeland of Ishyr prevent her from being hired by most of the Thrune based guards or adventuring houses. She is a proud individualist but genuinely cares for those around her.
Katla is the first of three daughters born to a head cook for one of Ishyr's most prominent noble houses. She was taken from her family during one of the frequent border disputes between Valithra and Ishyr and made a servant to a prominent owner of fishing vessels in Thrune. During this short period she met and married Geir, an independent animal handler and trainer who often worked with merchant's teamsters. However, her stubborn reluctance to accept Thrune politics and values led to her dismissal. Since then, she and Geir have hired out to adventuring companies and to the occasionally tolerant lieutenant of the Valithra guard who valued cooking over political correctness. During two of these forays into the wilderness she was captured, once by the Khaddor and once by a tribe of Gnolls. In both cases she was saved by her quick ability to pick up the language and by her excellent cooking skills. In each case, she was rescued by independent adventurers; a fact that has led to her increasingly critical view of the Valithran military. She realizes this view is somewhat skewed by circumstances but doesn't really care. She is by reputation one of the best camp cooks in Thrune.
Male human commoner level 5: CR 4; HD 5d4-5; hp 7; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +2 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +5; AL NG.
Movement: 30 ft.
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 9, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Languages Spoken: Common.
Skills and feats: Handle animal +8, Hide +0, Listen +2, Move silently +0, Ride +8, Sense motive +3, Spot +2, Swim +8; Blind-fight, Improved unarmed strike, Iron will.
Possessions: 21 gp.
Explorer's Outfit (x2), Cold Weather Outfit, Backpack, Grooming Gear (Brushes, Picks, tweezers), Dagger, Mirror-Small Steel, Holy Symbol-Wooden.
Age: 45
Height: Average (5', 8")
Weight: Fat (255 lbs.)
Hair: Brown, long and straight, unbound
Eyes: Brown
Special: Visible tattoo on right cheek
Geir is responsible for looking after the animals. When the number of animals is few, then he is also responsible for helping set up and break camp. He will often collect wood or water for Katla in preparation of the meals.
Geir is serious, somber and terse on the exterior but likes children and is quick to smile when they're around. He takes his duties seriously but likes to sneak in a nap during the middle of the afternoon when circumstances permit. Beneath his gruff exterior he's a good person who will go out of his way for you. He has a tendency to whistle Valithran battle tunes while working.
Geir is the sixth son of a drover from Gossick on the other side of the Bay of Anthrune. It became clear early on that he had a way with animals and his father gave him responsibilities over their herd of sheep at the age of twelve. At 17 Geir decided to try plying his skills in Thrune. Over the next ten years he earned a name for himself training and maintaining the horses of the Teamster's Guild in Thrune. It was during this time that he fell in love with the indomitable Katla and married her. Not being a political man himself, he's never been bothered by her strong opinions of Thrune nobility. Together they began hiring themselves out to guard units patrolling the Western March or Valithra's shared border with Nythoria. During two of these engagements, Katla was taken captive and he was sure that he had lost her for good. After the second of these, he and Katla lost confidence in the young Valithran officers who were still willing to take them on and decided to hire themselves out exclusively to adventuring parties (who's aspirations they find grandiose but whose challenges are usually more manageable than encounters with large raiding parties.) The childhood memories of his large happy family are the source of his affection for children and he is well known among the street urchins of Thrune for being generous with his coppers. Though overweight he is surprisingly good with his fists in a brawl and has on more than one occasion set straight an amorous guard who he discovered making advances toward his wife.
Page last updated on 03 October 2001.